Interview with Dr Jamie Butler, Senior Medical Officer, Manchester City Football Club
(Published in "Sports Injuries and Recovery", an advertising insert in the Guardian newspaper, September 2010)
What generated your interest in sports medicine?
I was asked to help with the EIS and Sale Sharks rugby club. I was a keen cyclist and runner, always looking at ways to improve performance and speed recovery.
You're now Senior Medical Officer at Manchester City Football Club, how did that come about?
I was invited to MCFC as Assistant Doctor 3 years ago and appointed Senior Medical Officer in 2009.
What do you look for when dealing with joint problems in football professionals?
Pain and functional limitation, and how it impacts on a player's ability to train or play.
What symptoms would lead you to consider intra-articular injections?
Joint swelling, pain, and restricted movement.
What agents do you commonly inject?
Whenever possible I avoid steroid. I prefer Viscosupplementation, it's relatively risk free and I'm very familiar with it.
Has Viscosupplementation enhanced your treatment regime?
Considerably. It's a treatment choice I'm confident in, with no risk to the joint itself, which can be used repeatedly. Patients love it!
When did you start using Ostenil?
5 years ago. I was the first GP in my area to use it for shoulder, knee, ankle and thumb CMC joint OA.
How do players respond to Viscosupplementation?
Very well. I've had success in around 85% of cases.
Have you tried the single injection option, Ostenil Plus?
Yes, 3 times with very good clinical response.
Overall, would you recommend Viscosupplementation as a treatment modality in sports medicine?
Absolutely, without question.
Dr Jamie D. ButlerBSc, MBChB, MRCGP, FRCS, MSOM, DGM, DCH, DRCOG, Pg Dip Sport & Exerc Medicine, MACSM, FIMS, MFSEM (RCSI & RCPI), MFSEM (UK)
Currently Club Doctor at Manchester City Football Club, Jamie Butler studied medicine at Liverpool University Medical School. During his graduate studies, he was drawn to neurology and surgery. As part of his post graduate training, he trained in all surgical specialities gaining his FRCS. He then became neurosurgical registrar in Oxford before training as a GP with wide interests. He has been with MCFC since 2007.