New Data Supports Viscosupplementation in Haemophilia Patients with Ankle Arthropathy
A news website for haemophilia patients, "Hemophilia News Today", recently reported:
"Adults with hemophilia and ankle joint damage taking part in a year long pilot study largely reported that two injections of hyaluronic acid, which acts to lubricate the joint, eased ankle pain and improved movement. The treatment, given six months apart in this U.K. trial, also enabled most of these people to better participate in physical and social activities."
Here is an excerpt of the original study:
"Twenty-four participants were recruited, three withdrew. Twenty-six joints were injected. Twenty participants had severe haemophilia. Mean age 35 years. Participants reported significant reduction in pain over the study. VAS baseline: 5.62; 6 month 3.92; 12-month 3.42, P < .0001. Joint function improved together with ankle HJHS. No change was seen for EQ-5D-5L. Sixteen participants reported reductions in ankle pain and stiffness and greater confidence in undertaking physical activities. No significant adverse reactions were reported."
The study concluded that "Ostenil Plus® treatment improves pain, function and patient perception of functional ability in PWH and ankle arthropathy. The study supports the use of HA as a safe treatment in PWH."
The original paper can be found here:
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